What kind of wax do you use?

At WaxPro we use HARD WAX ONLY for all Bikini & Brazilian waxing. We utilize a variety of high quality low temperature professional waxes for various skin and hair types.

How can I prepare for my Brazilian/Bikini wax?

-We do require at LEAST 2 weeks of growth for the wax to adhere to the hairs. Longer is fine!
-Do not trim! More than likely you’ll over trim and result in a uneven patchy result. 
-Do not apply any lotions or oils to the area.
-A gentle exfoliation 1 day prior to your appointment will breakdown and loosen any built up dead skin cells around the base of the hair
-Take a warm shower or bath right before to open the pores
-Wear loose clothing
-LASTLY, Don’t apologize for any stretch marks, loose skin, ingrown hairs, sweating, or anything else you may be concerned with. We are professionals and know that every BODY is beautiful!

What if I’m on retinol, retin-a, or topical prescriptions?

Discontinue retinols/prescriptions at least 3 days prior to any facial waxing and let us know immediately of any other prescriptions used. You can not be waxed or receive any facial treatments while on Accutane and for 6-12 months after.

Does Waxing hurt?

Everyone’s pain tolerance is different. There will be an initial discomfort with each pull but we are trained to make the process as quick and painless as possible! We will continue to talk and distract you allowing time to fly by. If you are concerned with the discomfort you can take an ibuprofen 30minutes prior to your appointment. Every single one of our first time Brazilian experiences conclude with “WOW! That wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought I’d be!”

What’s the difference between Bikini line, Bikini plus & Brazilian?

-Bikini line-hair removed right outside of the panty line
-Bikini plus-we remove as much or as little hair on the front side just does not include the butt strip 
-Brazilian-all hair removed from front to back, leave a landing strip if desired 

What can I do about ingrown hairs?

First, no picking at ingrown hairs! It can cause further irritation and scarring. We offer aftercare products specifically designed for treating and preventing ingrown hairs.

Will my hair grow back darker or thicker?

No, waxing actually has the opposite effect. Hair that is removed at the roots grows in finer and softer over time.

what are the benefits of waxing?

-Long lasting smooth skin
-No cuts or irritation from a razor
-No itchy stubble
-Finer/thinner hair regrowth
-Slow regrowth

Can I still be waxed on my menstrual cycle?

Yes! Be sure to wear a fresh tampon or menstrual cup and know that it can be a bit more sensitive

Are your services offered for male clients?

All of our services are available for male clients to book with the exception of intimate areas, which are: bikini, brazilian, and buttocks.

How do I know what facial to book?

Contact us and we can help you choose based on your skin concerns and goals!

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